
News Article

Managing your members with Association Online Workshops

5th Jun 14

Melbourne Workshop - Wednesday July 11   9.00 AM -  12.00PM 

Sydney Workshop - Tuesday July 17  9.00AM - 12.00PM 

Call Alex now for more information  03 9723 9399 

"Membership Management using Association Online" 

Date Wednesday 11 June 2014 
Time: 9.00 AM - 12.00 PM 
Venue: Melbourne Business Centre Level 9, 440 Collins Street, Melbourne  

This will be an interactive workshop and your participation is most welcome. We have organised complimentary WIFI access for all attendees, please feel free to bring along a laptop if you wish.


"Membership Management using Association Online" 

Date Tuesday 17 June 2014 
Time: 9.00 AM - 12.00 PM 
Venue: Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
Level 13, 37 York Street, SYDNEY 

This will be an interactive workshop and your participation is most welcome. 

Attendance is FREE of charge for existing IVT clients, however places are limited.  


