
Social Media Engagement Policy

Social Media Engagement Policy

Participation in any of the IVT's social media sites is governed by this policy which is aimed at providing open and transparent guidelines for participants. We DO NOT moderate comments, replies, links, etc.

However an item will be removed if it is considered to:

  • Be abusive, off-topic, irrelevant, or use excessive foul language
  • Include attacks including comments that celebrate the death or illness of any person, public figure or otherwise
  • Contain racist, sexist, homophobic and other slurs
  • Contain solicitations and/or advertising and/or are overt self promotion
  • Be thread spamming (posting the same comment on multiple sites or groups)
  • Be posted with the explicit intention of provoking other group participants or the staff of IVT
  • Make claims that are false, misleading or exaggerated.
  • Be a possible breach of the our client’s Codes of Ethics

The individual will then be contacted personally by the administrator to explain why it has been removed. If a participant has more than three items deleted they will be blocked from the group and a report will be made to client’s management outlining the behaviour and why they have been blocked from our group/s.

If you have any issues or concerns with this policy please feel free to raise it with our General Manager Neil Evenden.