Bank eMerchant Account

In order to setup live transactions on your site, most payment gateways will require you to first have your bank account enabled for electronic transactions.

To do this you need to set up what's called an eMerchant facility on your bank account.

Get in contact with your bank and discuss the process for applying for an eMerchant facility.

The bank will typically request you to complete numerous forms, and possibly provide a security deposit.

Once the bank has setup an eMerchant facility for you, they will allocate an eMerchant number. This number will be required for most live payment gateways to be configured.

Note: This process can take 3-4 weeks, so it's important to get the ball rolling early in the deployment, alternatively our chosen payment gateway 'SecurePay' can offer an all in one solution.

Notify ASI: Keep us informed of progress by letting us know when your bank has your eMerchant facility set up.